Choose ACE, Choose Nebraska
Choose ACE, Choose Nebraska
Choice Gas selection period April 10-23
The 2015 Choice Gas program selection period begins April 10 and runs through April 23. ACE is the only community-owned, not-for-profit supplier in the Choice Gas program. It is owned by 72 member communities in Nebraska, including Cairo, and participates in the Choice Gas program to provide competition for the benefit of all natural gas customers.
As a not-for-profit gas supplier, ACE can return excess revenue above the cost of operating the organization to its member communities, keeping money in Nebraska. ACE has returned more than $1,600 to Cairo. ACE distribution funds are used in various ways for each community.
As an ACE member community, local residents benefit from a community-owned, not-for-profit supplier providing competition in the Choice Gas program.
ACE offers several pricing options, including ACE WeatherShield, a fixed level monthly bill option (which covers all commodity and distribution charges, taxes and fees) along with fixed and market rate options.
For more on ACE and its pricing options, go to www.ACEenergy.org or call the city office.