2013 Cairo Ball Registration
Please complete this registration form if you would like your child to play baseball/softball in Cairo this summer. The fee is $45, which includes a T-shirt and hat or visor. LATE REGISTRATION FEE IS $55. The Little Tikes will be $25. We will not order a shirt for your child if we do not have registration fees. Also, if you are late we cannot guarantee a shirt for the first game and/or pictures.
Place an X next to the league your child will play in. For boys, participant must be within the age range by January 1st of the current year. For girls, please place an X in the box reflecting the current grade of the participant. Please submit a separate form for each child.
Coach Pitch Ages 6-7 _________ Grades K-1st ___________
T-Ball Ages 7-9 ______________ Grades 2nd-4th __________
Little League Ages10-12 _______ Grades 5th-7th __________
Grades 8th-12th__________
Little Tikes Boys Ages 4-5 AND Pre-K Girls Ages 4-5 ____
Please indicate if you are interested in coaching: YES / NO
Child’s name: _______________________________________________________________________
Age (today): _____________ Grade: _________________ Date of birth: _____________________
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers: Home: ____________________ Child’s Shirt Size:
Work: ____________________ Youth: Small Medium Large
Cell: ____________________ Adult: Small Medium Large
E-mail address ___________________________________
If you would like order extra adult or child t-Shirts, hoodies, hats or visors, there will be forms emailed out to you at a later date. |
Registration forms may also be picked up at the Village of Cairo Office or you can go to their website www.cairocommunity.com and print off a form.
Make checks payable to the CAIRO BALL ASSOCIATION and mail to: Denise Bredthauer, PO Box 249 Cairo NE 68824 by March 26, 2013.
WAIVER OF LIABILITY (must be signed by parent or guardian)
I, on behalf of myself and my child, hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages from death, personal injury or property damage which I may have against the Cairo Athletic Association, its Board or members, coaches, sponsors, the Village of Cairo and any other person or entity and their agents or employees in connection with the Cairo Athletic Association. I understand that serious accidents or death occasionally occur during such athletic activities and assume those risks.
Parent or guardian’s signature ____________________________________ Date ________________
Board meetings are open to the public so please attend if you would like to have some input. Also, if you have any questions and/or concerns, feel free to contact one of the Board Members or officers:
Doug Meyer, President Denise Bredthauer, Secretary Karin Noakes, Treasurer
Members at Large:
Mike Deines; Joe Noakes; Kirby Myers; Randy Gleason
Justin Caspersen; Kelly Myers; Rick Schultz; Skeeter Wooden; Scott Korinek