You are INVITED to join us at Christ Lutheran Church, Cairo NE.
503 West Medina Street, Cairo NE.
Vacation Bible School – May 26-29, 2015
VBS 2015 theme is Camp Discovery Jesus at work through us!
Tuesday May 26 –Thursday May 28; 9:00 – 11:45 am; Friday 9:00 – 1:30 pm (lunch provided for students)
VBS Closing Program Friday, May 29, beginning at 1:30 pm; EVERYONE is INVITED!
At Camp Discovery, kids have fun as they explore the Bible, make new friends, sing songs, and learn how Jesus works through them in their everyday lives. Campers discover 5 Bible truths that excite and challenge them. Jesus, their True North, gives them the wisdom and the courage to step out in faith and serve—whether they’re at school, playing with friends, or helping out at home.
Now, that’s a VBS with purpose!
Please return the Registration to the Church Office, Christ Lutheran Church P O Box 9 Cairo NE 68824.
You may also email the registration information to
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