Wood River Mennonite Church Summer Bible School Program will be featuring “The Bible – A Book of Answers or a Book of God-With-Us-Stories?’ this year. They will learn that the Bible teaches us how we can have a relationship with God and each other. They will find out how God’s promises are revealed to us in the Bible, and that the Bible can light our way throughout life. All children ages 3 years old thru 10th Grade (2013/14 school year) are invited! Our Bible School will be held June 2 – 6, 2014 from 9:00 am to 2 pm Monday – Thursday. On Friday classes will run from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and then the Bible School Program will be held 1:00 pm with fellowship and refreshments following. Children need to bring a sack lunch each day. We will have transportation available from Cairo and Wood River. Pickup in Cairo will be in front of the Fire Hall. Pickup in Wood River will be on the west side of the Elementary School. Both pickup times are 8:30 am. If children need a ride back – drop off times would be 2:20 pm to 2:30 pm. You can register your children by visiting http://www.woodrivermennonite.org/bible-school-2014/ , message us on Facebook or register your children upon arrival on Monday, June 2nd. If you have any questions please call 308-379-7777. We are located at 14988 W Husker Hwy, Wood River, NE 68883. We look forward to praising the Lord in song, studying the Bible, reading Bible stories and spending time playing together also. Blessings to you all!!